Pups Path Pet Training


Pups Path Offers Dog Training And Behavior Modification!

We believe in a positive approach to dog training. Our clients will experience training for themselves and anyone in the household along with the training for the dog. A dog owner needs to understand the dog and the dog understand the human for a successful relationship so we assist both you and your pet!

Pups Path Pet Training was implemented to bring a new approach to training your pet! Using only positive approach, we will help you to create a wonderful relationship with your pet that will help pave the way for pawsome experiences throughout you and your pet’s path of life.

No two humans nor two pets are identical and may need different approaches! At Pups Path Pet Training, we continually adjust training tactics according to what works best for you and your pet!

Training is always kept in groups no larger than 4-5 dogs or one-on-one so that we can focus on not just helping the dog, but helping the handler. We adjust even our class setting to each person’s special needs at home & in their daily life with their pet-we don’t do “one size fits all” training

Pups Path Offers A Wide Array Of Training To Meet The Individual Needs Of Each Family! We Offer Our Specialty Obedience & Behavior Modification, AKC CGC, AKC CGCA, AKC UCGC, AKC Trick Dog, Medical Alert, PTSD, Leash Training, and Many Other Options


Puppy Training (AKC S.T.A.R. Puppy)
(10 weeks – 8 months)

Our Puppy Training Sessions are done in small groups with one-on-one guidance. Puppy Training is an essential foundation for your new pet to be comfortable and cooperative in your daily life. We approach our Puppy Training with a “whole life” approach. This means that we start your journey through your the Path of Life together.

1. Socialization
2. Dog Communication
3. Separation Anxiety
4. House Training Instructional Assistance
5. Learning To Chew On Designated Chew Toys & How To Play
6. Intro to Sit and Beginning Recall
7. Intro To Leash Walking
8. Human Touch Association with Love
9. Car Rides
10. Teaching pets that learning new things and tricks are fun
11. Introduction to Basic Commands such as “sit”, “down”, “stay”, “come” and “no”.

6 Sessions $175

Additional dog: ( Must Have Additional Handler)

6 Sessions….. $100

Basic Training for 1 dog (AKC CGC):
(8 months & up)
1. Sit
2. Stay
3. Leave it
4. Down
5. Come
6. No
7. Leash walking
8. Basic information on daily pet obedience, play, and more
9. Introduction to distractions

1 hour sessions
6 Sessions….. $250

Additional dog: ( Must Have Additional Handler) $175


Training Level 2:(AKC Community Canine Good Citizen)
5 Sessions

1. Recall training
2. Release
3. Distraction Training
4. Socialization Training


Training Level 3 (AKC Urban Canine Good Citizen)


  1. Exit/enter doorway with no pulling in dog-friendly buildings. Exit building to start test, additional Public buildings items are below.
  2. Walk through a crowd on a busy urban sidewalk.
    • People come toward the dog from 1-ft. away
    • Tolerate distractions (people wearing hats, coats, men, women, etc).
  3. Appropriate reaction to city distractions. This includes movement, noises, and walking on a variety of surfaces. Examples:
    • Noises: horns, sirens, construction noise, etc.
    • Moving objects: skateboard, bike, carts, person running
    • Surfaces: concrete, grass, grates, plastic tarp, wet sidewalk
  4. Crossing street: Stop at corner, stand or sit to wait and cross with no pulling (on leash, with owner). Crosses street under control.
  5. Ignore food on sidewalk. (Dropped food, or cups, bags, cans, in which food was wrapped).
  6. Person walks up and pets the dog. May be carrying an item such as a small dog in a bag, a computer bag, etc. Person does not put the bag down to pet the dog.
  7. Public Building (that is dog friendly). Walks under control in building (slick surface, carpeted floor). Down stay (3 min) in lobby or outdoor area, or waits while owner has a meal or snack.
  8. Stairs, steps, or elevator under control.
    • Steps (at least 3 – up and down)
    • Elevator (Enters under control, exits, rides under control)
  9. Housetrained for apartment, condo, city living. Owner may verify this item. Evaluator may also observe in public buildings, or have observed in training classes.
  10. Transportation. Owner’s choice depending on transportation needs.
    • Car. Enters/exits, remains under control during the ride. (Crate? Seatbelt?)
    • Subway. Small dog in bag for ride. (large dogs are not always permitted; know and abide by the Transit Policies in your area).
    • Dog friendly (enters/exits or allows to be put in/taken out) under control

Pups Path One-On-One Basic Training (Non AKC)

We offer you and your pup a basic training course that will allow you to communicate, walk together, and play together on happy.,healthy terms. You will both be able to execute, understand and learn: sit, down, stay, leave it, no, come, spot, free and leash walking. We will do minor distraction training. We will discuss any issues with car rides, human interaction, separation anxiety and socialization. There are many other topics that may also be discussed. Ninth (9th) Session is Pups Path Program Completion Review And Graduation. All Graduates of Pups Path One-On-One Basic Training Course have a 60 day micro training assistance available. (Micro Training consists of speaking with a trainer on an issue related to items learned during training course that handler is having issues with. Refresher courses are available for more in depth assistance)

8 Sessions: $600
5 Sessions:  $400

Additional Pets Receive Discount*
(*Must Be Present At The Same Time)

Basic Obedience Only

5 Sessions: $275

Behavior Modification: 


Number of sessions needed will be determined by your instructor.
Minimal 4 sessions…. $300 
Additional sessions: $80 per session

Have your pup stay with us and train and then participate in our interactive daycare for a few hours. Your dog will train with our trainer for 1 hour and then again with you and our trainer for 1 hour. Any additional hours your pup is here he/she will have interactive play.
4 hours per day, 1 day per week, 6 weeks $550
4 hours per day, 2 days per week, 6 weeks $1025
8 hours per day, 1 day per week, 6 weeks $985
*Any Pet That Is Picked Up 15 Minutes Or Later From Scheduled Timeframe Will Incur A $20 per hour charge, beginning at that 15 minute time slot

AKC Trick Dog

Dog Must Execute Basic Commands Without Multiple Requests

Novice, Intermediate, Advanced, Performer, Elite Performer


Trick Dog For Therapy Dogs

Trick Dog For Therapy Dogs is designed to assist Therapy Dog Teams in encouraging interaction from people who are non-interactive during visits.   THERAPY DOGS ARE NOT  TRICK DOGS NOR ARE TRICKS USED FOR “SHOW”, COMPETITION OR ENTERTAINMENT- TRICKS ARE ONLY USED AT SELECT TIMES.

Dog  AND Handler MUST be a Certified Therapy Dog Team


PTSD Service Dog Training*

PTSD Dogs For Our Veterans Offer Support That Is Often Overlooked And Much Needed For These Men & Women Who Have Served To Protect Our Freedoms.  Special Rates Are Available To Assist Them With The Training Of A PTSD Dog.  **See Us In Person For Pricing**  Please note that it takes specific dogs to fill the needs of specific tasks and not just any dog can be used

Medical Alert Service Dog Training*

Medical Alert Dog Training Is Available For A Variety Of Medical Conditions.  Please Visit Us For More Details.  Training Is And Must Be Customized and One-On-One With You & The Dog To Ensure The Best Results.  Training Also Will Be Done With Your Dog & The Trainer On A One-On-One Bases.  

Costs Are Variant Dependent On Training Needs  Prices do not include cost of dog   Please note that it takes specific dogs to fill the needs of specific tasks and not just any dog can be used   Training Is A Minimal Of 6-12 Months Depending On Multiple Factors

Median Range:  $2000-$4000   

ESA Training*
You Must Have Completed AKC CGC, CCGC and UCGC To Begin ESA Training. Documentation Of Passing Each Test Is Required.

We Offer One-On-One Personalized ESA Training. 14 Sessions: $600


**PLEASE NOTE:  Unfortunately, Not All Animals Are Suitable For Service Dog Work.  There Are A Multitude Of Factors That Play Into Whether A Dog Can And Will Do The Work You Hope They Will Do.  Please See Us For Explanation On What Dogs Can & Can Not Be Used, How We Determine Which Dogs Can and Can Not Be Used & Any Other Questions You May Have.

PACKAGES: (Please visit Pups Path in person or call 229-977-2472 to register for any of the packages)

Puppy Training & Basic Training
12 Sessions: $400

Training Level 1 & 2 (CGC & CCGC) 
12 Sessions $475

Training Level 1 or 2 Combined With Behavior Modification:
10 sessions: $425

Leash Only Training

Dog MUST follow and respond to the following commands:  Sit, Down, Stay, Leavie It, No, Come

Personalized Custom Training:

We will create a custom plan of training for you and your pet according to your needs.